Saturday, June 18, 2011

the beginnings of summer

My brother and I were both free one day, 
so we decided to take a random trip downtown. 

On the way, we met a little ladybug...
 who tried to run away...
and we ended up spending an hour taking pictures of bugs, flowers, and weeds in an alleyway behind our house (yeah we're shady like that).
When we FINALLY headed downtown, we stopped by our cousin's amazing café, Crème de la Crumb.  I had carrot cake with vanilla bean frosting...
 and an iced coffee - perfect for a hot day!
 We also went into a tiny thrift shop and I came out with a random $4 shirt.
My day was topped off with a delicious sushi dinner 
catching up with one of my favourite people.
I need more spontaneous summer days like these. =)

1 comment:

  1. yayyy...finally you debuted your blog! love these pictures! also love spontaneous summer nights, esp ones which include random ice-cream walks :)
