Saturday, July 30, 2011

Adventures in Hong Kong: Part 1

Hello my dears. It's been a few days, but I've been busy relaxing and vacationing. I still want to keep you all updated though so I put together a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. Here are my thoughts on Hong Kong after being here for a week!

I think Hong Kong is a beautiful place.
The city is always bustling with taxis, cars, and buses...
...and many MANY people.
There are also huge malls everywhere...
with shopping from day...
to night.
During my time here, I've seen some beautiful designs...
and amazing scenery!
I've also witnessed interesting dim sum...
giant cleaning tools...
awkward mannequins...
...and hilarious advertisements.
Hong Kong also has its fair share of weirdos... like these ones here.
At first it was just me and my brothers...
...and then we got the whole family involved!
My Hong Kong escapades are just beginning... I'll be back with more soon!


1 comment:

  1. hehehe your family soo cute!! have fun.. how you enjoying the super hot weather?? keep the posts coming =)
