Monday, July 4, 2011

granville island adventure

I am absolutely in LOVE with Granville Island. It's the artsy part of Vancouver with unique little shops and a marketplace that is seriously food heaven. You'll always find awesome and random things such as...

the most AMAZING Almond Bear Claw Danishes
 (filled with almond custard) at La Baguette & L'Echalote...
an entire store dedicated to broomsticks à la Harry Potter...
high-stacked cherry pyramids...
one lone box of yellow raspberries...
A strawberry-themed truck...
and... BLISS BALLS!! (uh... what are Bliss Balls, you ask?)
THESE are Bliss Balls.
Finally... (I saved the best for last)...
 I did get one thing, at PAPER-YA, an awesome store that specializes in pretty paper...
I bought this giant one-piece floral print cut-out for $7. 
I have great dreams for this piece of paper. 
When I first saw this beautiful paper cut-out, I instantly thought of a great little project that I could create... and of course, when I get around to doing it, I will post the DIY here! 

For now, you will just have to be content with my random pictures that showcase objects of interest such as BLISS BALLS. Seriously though, let me know if you go and try one...


  1. Cherie really wants to go tothat Harry potter store thing
