Wednesday, July 6, 2011

hi! meet my FACE.

Okay so, some people have been saying to me, "Why do you hide your face on your blog all the time? It's weird."  Well at first, I hid my face for privacy reasons because my future career/line of work advises you not to post embarrassing things on Facebook or do stuff you'll regret. Well I realized that I don't post anything incriminating on this blog anyway (at best, they'll just think I have a strange sense of humor), and I'm not doing anything here that I'll regret... so I finally decided... 

Since this is a blog where I share my life adventures, I wanted to make it a little more personal and show my FACE in unflattering pictures such as these, where my eyes are closed...
where I'm posing awkwardly in the middle of the road...
and where I'm trying to take a happy jumping picture but end up looking sad.
Okay in my defense, I just felt like jumping and skipping and prancing around because it was such a nice day! My brother decided to join in on my jumping extravaganza... but my dad failed to capture our success... so at the end of the day, we just looked like FOOLS. 
Oh and by the way, the whole time we were taking random pictures, my grandpa, grandma and aunt were laughing at us ... as was THAT GUY (below) who came out of his shop to cross his arms and stare at us WITHOUT SHAME. He stood there watching us the entire time even when we stared confusedly back at him, and only went into his store when we got in our car and drove away... creepy man. 
Anyways, this is what goes down at a typical family lunch gathering... 

But actually, I wanted to take pictures with my brother that day because I thought we matched so nicely with the grey + white + red + navy outfits (not planned)... and I wanted to show you guys my new red $4 bag - the latest addition to my collection of thrift store purchases! I love it because it adds colour to any outfit. (side note: I have been going thrift shopping lately and I'll probably post some of my other awesome finds tomorrow!) Okay, bye for now :)

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