Wednesday, July 13, 2011

QE Park

Queen Elizabeth Park is always such a beautiful place to visit. My family used to go quite often just to walk around, so after dinner one day, we decided to revisit our childhood memories...

The flowers are still as gorgeous as I remember them...
But soon... things started getting weird...
My brothers and I found giant things to climb...
... and huge structures to pose with!!
(we used to play tag around this thing! I remember getting hurt from running into it! =P)
We attempted to levitate...
...which only Clarence succeeded in doing...
and then we started climbing trees...
and... doing other weird things!?!?
Good times. =)

Since our whole family is going to Hong Kong for a month (we're leaving in... SIX DAYS?!?! Uh.... what!!) this park outing was good practice for spending lots and LOTS of time together... 

I just hope they won't get annoyed with me and end up leaving me at a park bench somewhere.


  1. such awesome pictures lol! can't wait to see what you weirdos come up with in hk :)

  2. Reading your blog makes me miss Vancouver a lot!

  3. grace - haha yes... i can't wait to GO and take weird pictures =P

    kelly - i miss YOU. you must come visit!!!
