Sunday, October 16, 2011

DIY: lace shorts

One of the easiest DIYs ever is lace shorts. All you need is a pair of shorts, lace, a needle and thread... and it's pretty much self-explanatory.

 I think adding a touch of lace to the bottom of shorts makes them more feminine and delicate-looking. I have another pair of teal shorts that I think would look good with some cream-coloured lace.

By the way, can you tell I like taking hazy, out-of-focus pictures? I don't know... sometimes I prefer being blurred into obscurity. Anyway, I probably won't be wearing these shorts till next year, since I can sense the impending chill of winter just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. looks great! haha maybe i'd have better luck sewing lace than buttons always fall off :( thanks for the awesome idea!
