Saturday, October 1, 2011

DIY: Ring Box

I think many of you know that I love to wear rings. The majority of my rings are back in Canada, but I am starting to breed a little collection here as well (yes... breed...). Most of these are either made (from this post here) or bought for $1 or 2 in Hong Kong. Since they're so cheap, I didn't want to keep them all in a pile just in case they started rusting. I decided to find an effective and cheap way to store my rings (and to prevent me from always losing them too)... 
 I bought a box that I liked...
...and some peach-coloured felt.
It's easier if your piece of felt is cut into one long strip. My strip of felt was wider than the box I bought, so I simply took the excess on the sides, and folded them in so that the felt strip would fit perfectly into the box. Then I basically folded the strip of felt, accordion-style, until I had folds (like the ones below).
At this point, you could use a glue gun or sew a few reinforcing threads into your accordion shape to prevent it from coming apart, but I didn't bother. The key thing is just to make sure your "felt accordion" is dense and packed tightly together, because if it's too loose, your rings will just fall down the cracks. Anyway, all I did was just stuff my felt accordion into the box and make sure it fit snugly. Then I put all my rings in, and there you go! A cheap ring box!

Now I have no excuse to lose my rings. 
I really like this idea because you can totally stylize your ring box any way you want. If you try this, I want to see what kind of box you choose and what colour felt you use! I'm sure it would look totally different from mine. Anyway, hope you like this quick craft idea! :)


  1. wow, it looks pretty pro! chat me!!!

  2. hm...what a coincidence... i just lost mine!

    -you know who...

  3. ummm...this is genius!

  4. repost this on allthingsbeautyfull!! :P

  5. You're so creative Laura. And such good taste too.

  6. thanks for all the comments everyone =) now show me your own DIY ring boxes!!!!! DO ITTTTT!!!! hahaha. i want to see!! =)


  7. Psh! Where was this idea when you were here and I had 10000 rings
    So jealous! Ur in the land of awesome stuff for a cheap price.

  8. Replies
    1. I love your ideas....: ) ~Leonor

  9. lovely DIY !! very pretty and creative!! love the vintage looking box!!


  10. A fab ring collection you have there! And the idea of that storage box? Simply fabulous! Thanks for the share!
