Saturday, November 19, 2011

DIY: fabric stickers!

Ever since I discovered fabric tape a few weeks ago, I've been pretty obsessed with it. Well, today I was at the stationery store and I found a fabric STICKER!
 It came with a sheet of paper that had all these DIY fabric sticker ideas...
You can cut out shapes to stick on cards, or wrap the fabric around the handles of scissors...
I especially like the JAR idea... wrapping the fabric around a glass jar is a cute way to make a simple and chic flower vase. I would tie a little bit of lace around the jar too for extra fanciness.
Well anyway, I didn't have a jar at the moment so I decided to decorate a small metal box that once held chocolates (until I consumed them all).
I just cut out a piece of the fabric sticker to fit the cover, and now I have a pretty box for my jewelry.

If you can think of any other creative fabric sticker ideas, let me know! I'm going to start using it on everything!

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