Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Red & Gold

Happy Chinese New Year! I never usually celebrate it (one year, an old white grandma said "happy new year" to me in February and I thought she was crazy)... but since I'm in Hong Kong this year, I've been surrounded by dragons + crowds + Chinese music + red + gold for the past week, and I'm quite enjoying my days off, roaming the streets and checking out the festivities.

 I have no idea what these apples say but I bought them just because they were tattooed with Chinese characters. (Somebody help me translate? haha)...

 Anyway, I usually never wear red + gold together because it would make me feel like a giant CHINESE RED POCKET, but for Chinese New Year, it's the tackiest/most festive thing you can do. haha. Since McDonald's gave me a free ferrero rocher with my golden nutty mocha, I decided to give my fingers the Chinese New Year treatment with red nails + a gold ring...

I always used to do this when I was a kid... of course, step 1 was to thoroughly devour the chocolate...
 ...then I'd take a coin and smooth out the gold wrapper...
 ...roll it into a thin strip...
 ...and make myself a cheap disposable ring...(much cooler and cleaner than disposable diapers)...

Anyway, I promise the next craft I post will be much more legit, but you'll have to deal with this for now, because I've been spending my time exploring Hong Kong during New Years. I'll be posting some of my adventures tomorrow so come back again (if you're not already scared away by my sad disposable ring idea)... haha give me a break... it was probably the first DIY I ever thought up when I was like... 7.

What would YOU do with a ferrero rocher wrapper?

Let me know your best idea and if I like it enough, I will PERSONALLY send you a hand-crafted, limited edition disposable ferrero rocher wrapper ring. That spectacular prize alone should be motivation enough for you to post a comment. HAHAHAH...


  1. i don't do anything with the wrapper but i like to peel the sticker off and stick it on my face. and i wish i could say i only did this when i was young..............but wil witnessed it just last week. :)

  2. HAHAHAH... this is why you are my friend. that fantastic idea deserves a whole box of ferrero rochers... but only if you put an additional sticker on your forehead for every one you eat...

