Wednesday, February 22, 2012

DIY: satin flower pin

I was sick and bedridden today...another zombie day for me! It's so sad but sometimes I like getting sick because it means I can finally get some well-needed rest (and have some extra downtime to do artsy stuff). I actually didn't have the energy to make something supercrazyelaborate today, but I did make a small satin flower pin (I guess you could say it's a brooch but I think the word BROOCH sounds so weird... haha). You know how there are some words where you just cringe just because of the way it sounds? For me, BROOCH is one of those words.

Anyway, I will get around to writing up a more detailed description of how to make these satin flowers, but here's a little preview for your viewing pleasure.

1 comment:

  1. Haha I thought you liked saying that word. I didn't like it when you said it either.
