Sunday, March 4, 2012

life lately

It's time for another update of my life. haha. I've finally accumulated enough pictures to have a decent variety of randomness to share. Really, my life has mostly been work + work + more work, but there have been a few interesting outings here and there.'s what I've been up to lately.

I've been drawing cannibalistic animals...
...making tiger-esque snowflakes...
...and doodling on my fingers.
I've been eating some interesting things such as sushi with Pringles chips...
...giant chunks of pork knuckle (I felt like a caveman while eating it)...
chocolatey-sweet burger biscuits...
...transvestite Hello Kitty chips...
...unintentionally (or intentionally?) awkwardly-named seaweed "sheets"...
...and extremely shady-looking fish balls... (um, yes, they came like that).
Speaking of balls... ... ...
Moving on...
I've also seen some interesting products and displays in various Hong Kong malls... 
like googley-eyed froggy floormats...
...(literally) "foot-in-mouth" socks...
...giant bunnies on crack... (with equally drugged-looking girl beside it)...
...the Mona Lisa made entirely out of real pieces of toast...
...and dangerous killer ponies.
That last picture was taken at IKEA. I'm wondering who the designer is behind their stuffed toy collection, because in my opinion, their dolls really don't look that appealing. Anyway, here's another random IKEA fact - did you know that each section has a "SPECIALIST"? (basically, a worker who only patrols that particular section...) and they each have a special title - such as KITCHEN SPECIALIST - written in big letters on the back of their uniform. Anyway, it was all fine and dandy until I saw a worker with the title "BEDROOM SPECIALIST". Somehow, that's just one of those names that needs to be revised to avoid awkward conversations that go down like this:

Random Acquaintance asking generic conversation-starter: "So what do you do for a living?"

Ikea Guy: "I'm a Bedroom Specialist."

*awkward silence*

Okay, clearly I've gone off topic. What have you all been up to lately? LET ME KNOW! I miss Vancouver! Send me pictures of weird things you've seen! haha. And if they're awesome enough, I'll post them. 


1 comment:

  1. wow...that ball shirt really is something. i want to try those everyburger biscuits!
