Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Today I randomly came across a painting that I almost forgot I painted. It's from a long time ago (I don't even remember when) but I love it when I find old artwork like this, especially when it involves burgers!!

For this painting, I used acrylic paints and black sharpies to outline the characters (not a good idea by the way. the sharpies were basically rendered ineffective after being used on this canvas). I've been looking at some other paintings where artists use thick black lines in their work as well, and I realized many of them use something called India Ink. That's one medium I haven't used before but would like to try.

... and while I'm in a hungry mood (it's 12am, I'm getting ready for bed, yet my stomach is raging for McDonald's)... here are some awesome products for all you burger fanatics out there (or just for my own guilty greasy pleasure).

I would definitely wear this sweater. In fact, I would like to make a burger costume this Halloween.

found on sexy-sweaters

...and I've kind of grown out of my high school sneakers phase, but I would definitely still wear this FLABulous footwear!

found on Art and Sole

...and if I'm want to be extra creepy, I'd do my eyes like this...

found on Burgerac

...and finally, a cute e-card that sums up my feelings when I go into hungry BEAST MODE and scare everyone away with my angry mood attacks that only occur from food deprivation.

found on some ecards

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