Sunday, April 1, 2012

DIY: lace blouse + fishtail dress

I recently posted about 10 ways on how to style a plain blouse with black lace here. Well, in the end, I ended up deciding on going with option #11, which is slightly different. I cut off the middle flap of the blouse so that the black buttons that were underneath could be visible. Then I sewed the two lines of lace down either side of the buttons. I think this shirt would go best tucked into a pair of high waisted shorts which is probably what I'll be wearing in SUNNY SINGAPORE next week (CAN'T WAIT!!!)...

Afterwards, I searched online to see if there were similar styles, and I found these... complete with severed heads, how lovely.

So anyway, since I'm going on vacation this coming week, I'll probably be on a blog hiatus for a bit. But I'll take pictures and fill you all in on the adventures later. For now, here's another quick DIY idea: it's a dress that I revamped today (from a straight-edged skirt into an assymetrical fish-tail skirt) that I'll also be bringing with me on holiday. I intend to frolic and prance in this on the beach in... FOUR DAYS!!! (Can you tell I'm excited?!?!) haha...


  1. where are you going?! ugh, can you pack me in your suitcase?i'm flexible!lol.

  2. it looks super cute!

    & sorry it took me a while to respond but i used india ink, it works wonders =)

  3. I love ur ideas!!
    can u revamp my entire wardrobe pls?? lol
    miss u lots!! can't wait to check out ur Thailand pics!
    ur gonna be so tanned in ur pics haha
