Friday, June 15, 2012

PHOTO of the DAY: thrifting in HK!

Today, my friend and I were near the Tsim Sha Tsui area and we found a thrift store!! It's the first real one I've been to since coming to Hong Kong (which means I've gone a whole year of my life without stepping into a thrift store...!??!?!?). It was interesting - the styles are quite different from the usual Value Village I frequent in Canada... and this particular store was actually pretty pricey for a thrift store (I guess shopping in Hong Kong is ridiculously cheap to begin with, so the prices at this thrift store were actually around the same price as new clothes!).

Even though I didn't get anything, I had so much fun rummaging through all the racks and lurking around every corner of the store. My friend found a nice DKNY denim button-up shirt for around $15CDN. Hurrah for good deals!

And... here is the photo of the day... of me trying to squeeze through the racks. My arm looks mightily mangled! But I was mightily ecstatic to have a chance to go thrifting! =)

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