Friday, March 23, 2012

snowflakes in spring

My uncle's maid grew up in Indonesia, and she had a totally different upbringing from me. We speak different languages but we try to understand one another through conversing in broken Cantonese. I never had a maid or helper around the house growing up, so to me, she's a newfound friend. Yesterday, we talked about each other's families and faraway homes, and I showed her some of the doodles from my sketchbook. Later, she came back with a snowflake she had just cut out of paper. We spent the next half an hour cutting paper snowflakes out of old Indonesian magazines. My snowflakes turned out weird (I'm not very good at making pretty ones), but I really liked hers so I posted them up. Then I got the idea of making a little wall mural and reverted back to what I'm comfortable doing - doodling of course! So I drew a little cartoon girl to complete the wintry scene that we taped onto my uncle's wall. haha. 

After that, I was feeling in a creative + poetic mood so I started thinking up snow metaphors which led me to writing a HAIKU poem... (Do you remember having to do those in elementary school? haha)...


shredded coconut
God's dandruff lacing the ground
falling like manna

haha that's my sad adult Haiku attempt. I'm sure my Grade 6 self could've done better.

Oh and I also made a poem about snowflakes using every letter of the alphabet in order. Just because I felt like it. It gets weirder at the end, but to me it still makes sense. =P

albino bits of cake deliriously, endlessly falling. gusts of heaven-sent ice-cream just kissing the lids of mountains. nymphish opalescent petals, quietly reeling. starlights twirling upon velvet watercolours like xeric yeast-zits.

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