Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shopping in Hong Kong

Greetings from Hong Kong!

I've been here for about a week now and it's been AWESOME!!! This is definitely a trip of a lifetime and I'm so blessed to be on this vacation right now! I've been with my family and relatives 24/7 and so far, no one has gotten on anyone's nerves yet (YET... haha). My brothers and I have been kept busy eating dim sum every day with my parents' friends, but we've also been busy shopping. I think we've been to at least 7 different malls since we've been here... in Hong Kong, there's literally a mall at every corner. Most of the big malls here are actually quite expensive, which I have no interest in, so the only things I've bought from the extravagant malls are basic tank tops from H&M (it's a lot cheaper than the one in Canada!). I'm more interested in buying cheap clothes from shady alleyways and dingy side stores. What can I say, I'm a thrifter at heart.

I find that my style is REALLY different from the girls living in Hong Kong, so everywhere I go, I totally stand out as a foreigner. It's weird... they don't even have to hear my sad attempts at speaking Chinese to know. Everyone just takes one look at me and starts speaking to me in English. Anyway, I did find ONE mall that I am officially obsessed with... it's called ARGYLE CENTRE (at Mong Kok Station). My friend Amanda told me about this place and how it has 5 floors of all girls' clothing/bags/shoes/jewelry. PLUS, it's so cheap compared to all the other malls I've been to! Since some of you have been wondering what I've been buying, I took a picture for y'all...

All these things (aside from the fitted blazer) were under $15 CDN, and most of them are from Argyle Centre (the cheap place!). Seriously, if you're a female tourist in Hong Kong, GO THERE. The strappy black wedge sandals were $14 CDN at Argyle, when a more expensive mall one block away was selling almost the exact same shoes for $90! 

Shopping for ridiculously cheap clothes is fun but I'm excited for RANDOLPH to come join me in Hong Kong in a couple days so that we can do more touristy things and go sight-seeing. It's so funny, because my family is waiting and saving all the tourist attractions for when he comes, so in the meantime, we're just going to a new random mall every day. Anyway, I shall post some actual vacation pictures from my brother's camera soon... that way, you won't have to listen to me ramble about what I bought. There's MUCH more to Hong Kong than shopping! Talk to you all soon =)

-laura :)


  1. omgosh so manyyy cute dresses! LOVEeeeEEee. did you find a crochet blazer?

  2. i want to come tooo :'(!!!!!

  3. Hey girl, there are two malls that you and your bros must go: 1) Ctma Centre, 2) Trendy Zone. Both of them are in Mong Kok. Trendy Zone is located on Nathan Rd. and Ctma Centre is at the back of Trendy Zone. Trendy Zone has lots of young adults clothing and crafts, and Ctma Centre sells more high tech stuff. Have fun :)

  4. okay i dont understand why everytime i comment it turns into anonymous

  5. I'm sure that Randolph guy must be excited to be going to Hong Kong. I know I would be if I was coming to visit a girl like you. ;) ;) ;)

  6. have fun with randolph kwokster, hope the eyeliner is working out for you and you find many more thrifty gorgeous pieces!And if you find my twin! TAKE A PICTURE!
