Thursday, July 21, 2011

travel time

On Tuesday, I flew to Hong Kong with my entire family. The plane ride seemed to last forever, especially since the radio station played Justin Bieber on repeat (help!), and the bad-quality TVs on the plane only showed weird random movies (like an Asian film set in the desert featuring gangster cowboys). To pass the time, I kept myself occupied doing other things like...

playing Plants vs. Zombies on my brother's computer...
teaching my dad how to play Angry Birds (which he thoroughly enjoyed)...
doodling my signature hamburger on a blank notebook cover...
and getting carried away until it became one MASSIVE doodle.
It was a longgggggggg day of traveling, but we FINALLY got there safely and I stepped into the humidity of Hong Kong (seriously, I feel like I'm in a sauna 24/7). Here's the view from my uncle's apartment where I'm going to be staying for the next month!
I've been extremely sleep-deprived for the past two days so I'm going to rest now. But I'll be back soon with more pictures of my adventures in Hong Kong! =) 


  1. Awesome artwork and nice way to spend ur time on the plane :P

  2. have fun laura!! remember to take pictures of they weird stuff they sell on women's street!!
    ~ beard woman
