Saturday, November 12, 2011

DIY: coat hanger necklace holder

Back home, I have a coat rack nailed into the wall with multiple hooks to hang my jewelry. But here at my new place, I've had to improvise with what I've got. I guess a simple coat hanger does the job.

The only thing with this idea, is that you have to make sure the coat hanger stays balanced - otherwise all the necklaces will just slide to one side and get all tangled. It shouldn't be a big deal though because I actually have this coat hanger hung on the sliding door that goes in and out of my room... so far I've been coming in and out and there hasn't been a tangling problem. My friend Amanda actually has a great idea for a necklace hanger made with ribbon (maybe if she has time, she can guest-blog and share. hint hint).  =P

I have to say that my old ideas for a bracelet holder and DIY ring box are much better than this one, but until I think of a better necklace hanger idea, this coat hanger will have to do. 


  1. You could use a corkboard and just put nails or needles into it and hang necklaces that way. :]

    1. Thanks Tisha for the great idea! =) I'll definitely try that... seems better than the old coathanger! hhahhaa
