Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hamlet's makeover

My little piggy HAMLET resides at my desk and keeps me company at work everyday. But today, I felt like he needed a little makeover.
 So with my packet of post-it notes, I set out to give Hamlet a little more character...
You can never go wrong with the bowtie + moustache + monocle look... with a toilet-paper cape thrown in for good measure.
Throw in the pig/cow skull as a Shakespearean reference and we've got ourselves a true classic Hamlet act.
It was a nice craft to help me relax a bit after work. Although immediately afterwards, I was so tired that I fell asleep on my laptop... and when I woke up... this is what my Word Document looked like:
hahahaha... oh man. And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is why I clearly need more sleep. Speaking of which, sleep is probably a good idea right about now. Good night!

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