Tuesday, December 6, 2011

who says you can't play with your food?!

Yup. It's been awhile. But it's EXAM SEASON which means I've basically been a slave for the past few weeks with absolutely no life. During one particularly long meeting, my ears were listening (or at least trying to listen) to the speaker while my eyes were intensely concentrated on doodling. I stand by my personal theory that I listen better when I'm drawing. Anyway, aside from exam season, 'tis also the Christmas season at McDonalds. In an attempt to be festive, I ordered a gingerbread latte and a gingerbread cake (hey, I need all that sugar to have energy for a 3-hour meeting)... =P

I ordered the gingerbread latte to go, but next time I want to order it in store... and I expect nothing less than that foamy gingerbread man smiling at the top of my latte.
I was in a doodling mood but didn't have any paper to draw on, so I had to find other drawing surfaces...like the McDonald's paper bag...
...and the cake box...
...and the inside of the cake box...
...it was good cake by the way. I enjoyed devouring every crumb of that little gingerbread man's face.
rest in peace little gingerbread man (spoken while I pat my stomach creepily)... rest in peace.


  1. HAHAH.. nice. The cake looks gooooood... can't wait to get fat with you!! It's been awhile :(

  2. lol now i'm having second thoughts about making gingerbread men for you :p

  3. http://pbfcomics.com/207/
