Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Adventures Part 1: Hong Kong

Hellooooooo.... yes I'm still alive and I know it's been awhile since I've updated, but I tell ya, I've been freakishly busy. Anyway, I know Christmas is over but it was such a memorable holiday season for me this year I thought I'd share some pictures anyway. Before I went back home for the holidays, I had a chance to experience a little bit of Christmas in Asia...

Hong Kong is always buzzing with life. I feel like the city never sleeps.

During Christmas time, there were lights on every street corner...
...ginormous mutant cupcakes...
...and an overload of TOY STORY characters everywhere you go. (by the way... it looks like someone stole one of the aliens off the Christmas tree!) haha, it wasn't me.
This Christmas, my uncle made an amazing feast, complete with a turkey...
...and mashed potatoes with escargot. It was the first time I tried escargot, and I have to say... snails just taste like... snails. Not a big fan. But I totally overdosed on those potatoes.
This Christmas, my collection of gingerbread men grew quite a bit...
I bought this edible-looking gingerbread man ring... 
and they were giving out free gingerbread man bookmarks at McDonald's. The lady gave me four because she could tell I was obsessed.
My coworker also made me this dry-erase gingerbread man (what an awesome craft idea), and of course, I just had to give him a unibrow.
...and since I had all these props lying around on my desk, I got a little carried away.
Then in late December, after my last day of work, I immediately hopped on a plane to fly back to Vancouver.
Even though flying for 12 hours is pretty brutal, I love staring out the window because the view always amazes me. Below is a shot of Hong Kong just as the plane was taking off.
Flying always makes me feel so small especially when I see so much unexplored land.This photo was taken only a minute after the previous one. It's crazy how the view changed so dramatically right after we left the city and flew over all this vast space where no one lives.
After a few more minutes, we were up in the clouds! 
12 hours later, I opened my window to see it covered in frost... haha and that's how I knew I was close to home.
It was such a welcoming sight to see snowy mountains.

Anyway, those are some pictures that I just wanted to share because even though these past few months have been crazy-tough to be away from home, I'm truly grateful for all these memories and adventures I get to experience along the way. 



  1. I wanna be in part 2 or part 3 or possible part 4?! :P

  2. lol the missing alien on the tree is hilarious. now if instead of aliens, there were gingerbreadmen..i'm pretty sure we'd know who the culprit would be :p i loveeeeeee the giant cupcakes, and even the creepy squatter amongst them. can't wait to see pictures from the rest of your Christmas :)

  3. Great pics! I spent Christmas in Hong Kong too and can't wait to go back. Love your shots while in the plane. My plane ride back to NYC was brutal more because this girl next to me threw up on my seat when I got up to use the restroom. -_-
