Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Adventures Part 2: Canada

This Christmas was definitely a memorable one. 
I got to open presents with my family, which is always a hilarious affair.
My brothers and I always get random things like head massagers and toy swords.
And when my mom opens a present from my dad and says, "this looks familiar..." usually it means that he bought the same thing for her last year and forgot... which is exactly what happened.
I was so thankful that I got to spend time with my crazy but lovable family. (Don't deny the craziness... you know it's true...).
During my trip, I was also reunited with my beloved son, Mikey...
...who was reluctantly forced out of his cage to take a family picture. hahaha.
 I got to see some of my favourite people...
...and talked for hours over mounds of dessert!
Thrift store shopping is one of the things I've missed doing these past few months... so I went to Value Village and found a $15 winter coat!
I also went to Garry Point Park in the freezing cold...
...just to take pictures with the bronze art sculpture Olas de Viento or "Wind Waves" before it's taken away. I found out it would be de-installed in February 2012. (So if you're in Steveston Village, go take pictures with it before it gets taken away next month!) 
Of course no holiday is complete without some fatty feasting... 
Last but not least, my holiday was full of surprises...
...most notably, THIS new addition to my ring collection... hahaha...
... but that's a story for another time. ;) 


  1. yayyyyy! why is randy not looking at the camera in the second last picture? :/ (hopefully i had another one where he was?) and AMANDA - if you're read this..see the awesome printed blurb in the bottom right corner :)

  2. Your holiday looks like it was so much fun!!! Great photos. Mikey is so adorable. Congratulations on your engagement!!!

  3. grace: haha i think there were too many cameras pointing at us at once. haha

    miss val: thanks! and yes... mikey is a fat one.
