Thursday, February 2, 2012

books and coffee

My new favourite pastime consists of going to a warmly-lit coffee shop, ordering a hazelnut latte, plopping myself down on a cozy armchair, and doodling on the blank covers of freshly-purchased notebooks until the barista comes over to tell me that they're closing. It's these quiet, deliciously relaxing pockets of solitude where I feel like I'm the most focused, most comfortable, and most content. So if you ever see me hunched over a notebook scribbling ferociously with a pen, don't disturb me because in the midst of my feverish sketching - I'm in my element.

By the way, did you notice that that wall of books is FAKE? It's actually just a large piece of wallpaper in a super busy mall and when that picture was taken, there were dozens of people walking around me. I took out a book from my bag and I just happened to be wearing my glasses, which adds to the scholarly look. What a poser, right? HAHA. But really, I have been reading a lot lately!

By the way, I thought of this quote after years of writing in the first few pages of a notebook then abandoning the habit, only to start up with a new notebook months later. I have notebooks for composing random song lyrics, making lengthy to-do lists, and jotting down craft ideas that never come into being. So this time, I am set on using this particular notebook from start to 

1 comment:

  1. Sitting in a coffee shop doodling sounds like heaven. I've been enjoying coffee shop relaxing days recently as well.

