Friday, February 3, 2012


It all started when I told some people that I got my hair cut/permed and they wanted to see pictures. I felt awkward taking one of those, you know... "Facebook profile pictures", or as they say "cam-whoring" (pardon the language, grandpa), HAHA... so since I had SKYPE on, I was just going to take a quick picture using the crappy webcam... 

but it turned into something much more...

...and in the end, I realized that I didn't even get a good picture of my hair.


Ohwel... I found this much more entertaining... =P

Oh and if you can identify which game the zombie is from (and actually play said game), then you are automatically in my cool books. 


  1. i guess it should come as no surprise to anyone that you could turn a "cam-whoring" session into a zombie attack haha. and i believe your little purple friend is from Plants vs Zombies! cool books entry gained?

  2. haha... excellent. you are now slightly cooler than average. =P

  3. But it says plants vs zombies in the tags...

  4. HAHAHAHA ohyah........ so it does... so it does. HAHAHA!! fail...
