Saturday, February 18, 2012

inspiration: DOILY lamp

I LOVE this huge, glowing ball of doilies! My friend and I are going to try making a similar doily & lace lampshade next week - (I'M SO EXCITED!!!) haha... but first we have to find an old lampshade... or I was thinking of making one from scratch with old coathangers. We shall see... we shall see. Meanwhile, head on over to the awesome DIY post by Dos Family to see an actual legit tutorial on how to make this DIY Doily Lamp!

image from More Design Please

If you like the lamp but you're lazy and don't want to make it, I found one online that you can buy at Projecteur - an online collection of Vintage Home Decor.

Well anyhow... I'll keep you all posted on how the doily lamp-making goes... I'll either rave about our stupendous success or inform you of our complete failure next week!

Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! hheeheh.. now I wanna make one. Oh how I wish I could join you on this awesome project :(

    Btw.. can we start a page for allthingsbeautyfull like you did for this one? ^^` Your time to blog soon.. maybe you should start reposting these.. they're just so good.
