Wednesday, February 15, 2012

inspiration: hearts

So I said I don't celebrate Valentine's, but these pixelated heart cards from ChurchMag are too awesome not to post. Click here for more images and the PDF print-out, to make your own pop-up pixel papercraft!
images from ChurchMag
A paper-heart garland or a strand of felt hearts would be easy to make too!
amazing paper art by Yulia Brodskaya
antique paper heart strands by MaisyandAlice
felt hearts from Purl Bee

...and now, for some stuff that I made...'s a notebook cover I collaged recently using a free Valentine's-themed food flyer that I picked up and some paper scraps. I didn't make this collage specifically for Valentine's but it still turned out pretty sweet... (the bad jokes never cease)... that's why you keep on coming back, am I right? haha.

...and of course, I have to re-introduce you to one of my old doodles... since it's most fitting...
 (ha... ha... punny...)... =S

I think this image was drawn after overloading on timbits during my University days...
Oh how I miss timbits...

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