Tuesday, February 14, 2012

inspiration: floral wreaths

So I don't really celebrate Valentine's (since EVERY day should be a day where I get to indulge in chocolates hahahaha), but I was talking to Randy today about flowers. Now, I love floral printed things but I've never cared for receiving real flowers (get me a burger instead). Even from the very beginning of our relationship I always told him never to get me flowers because they wilt so quickly and are a waste of money (I can appreciate flowers for free on the sidewalk!) But just now we were talking about flowers and I mentioned how I think it's more romantic to receive one single flower rather than a giant bouquet. So I randomly asked him, "If you WERE to get me one kind of flower, what would it be?" 

He said, "I would get you all-purpose flour so that I could bake you COOKIES."  HAHAHA he knows me so well. And that totally made my day so I just had to share. That's all I want for Valentine's anyway - a good laugh...and for everyone - single or not - to be happy. =)

Anyway, since we're on the topic of FLOWERS, here is what I've been wanting to make lately.

I've always loved the whimsical look of floral wreaths. I'm going to eventually make one - (once I find a place to buy silk flowers in HK... any suggestions?) - but for now, here are some images of what I intend to create.

images above from k is for kani
The ones below aren't exactly wreaths, but those floral hair decorations could be easy DIYs by super-gluing a delicate silk flower or a vintage brooch onto a sturdy hair clip.
image from Belle Magazine
...and HERE is a great tutorial by Blooming Leopold on how to make your own wreath!
All you need is some floral wire, floral tape, and silk flowers! I also thought that you could use "bark wire" as well (google it) for a woody wreath.

Floral wreaths are perfect for field-frolicking! Can't wait till the weather gets warmer!
images from google =P

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