Sunday, April 15, 2012

DIY: fishtail dress

Hello stranger!

I haven't blogged in two weeks!

That's because I just got back from the most relaxing two weeks I've had this year. Much needed vacation time. I will update with photos later but right now I'm trying to get into a "back-to-work-on-Monday" mindset, although it's really not working. I went to Singapore this past week, and I did pack that DIY fishtail dress I altered recently. It was the perfect outfit to prance around shamelessly in. 

I know some of you requested pictures of the final product so I scoured my vacation photos for some pics of the dress. Uploading these photos also brings me to this depressing moment where I mourn the end of my vacation time. haha. =(


... don't know what my face is doing here but it's a good picture of the cutting of the dress.
...this awkward-wistful-staring into space-gaze is what happens when I don't know that my picture is being taken. photo creeper!!!
...the best part of the whole vacation was being reunited with the fiance, Mr. Potatohead... at least for a short while. (3 months til THE PERMANENT REUNION!!!). Man... I commend anyone who has been in a long-distance relationship, because it's tough knowing such a big part of your life is 10,512 miles away!
Picture 1: visiting Little India in Singapore
Pictures 2/3/4: visiting Stanley in Hong Kong

More vacation pictures + DIYs to come!

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